Older Publications:
McClafferty K and German A; High-Tech Motor Vehicle Safety Systems; Proc. CMRSC-XVIII; Whistler, BC; June 8-11, 2008
German A, Comeau J-l, McClafferty KJ, Shkrum MJ and Tiessen PF; Event Data Recorders in the Analysis of Frontal Impacts; Proc. 51st Conf. AAAM; Melbourne, Australia ; October 15-16, 2007
German A, Comeau J-l, Monk B, White J and McClafferty K; Momentum and Event Data Recorders; Proc. CMRSC-XVII; Montreal, Quebec; June 3-6, 2007
German A; Momentum 103 - The Algebraic Solution for Conservation of Momentum; EOTIS Newsletter; Vol. 5, No.1; pp. 7-20; March, 2007
German A; Momentum 102 - Vector Analysis and Momentum; EOTIS Newsletter; Vol. 4, No.2; pp. 12-24; December, 2006
German A; Momentum 101 - The Principle of Conservation of Linear Momentum; EOTIS Newsletter; Vol. 4, No.2; pp. 3-11; December, 2006
German A, Comeau J-L, McClafferty KJ and Green RN; Event Data Recorders and Traffic Safety Research; Proc. 20th ITMA World Congress; 16-18 October, 2006; Melbourne, Australia (Published abstract)
German A; SAS Analysis of Directed Studies; Transport Canada; September, 2006
German A; SAS Analysis of Directed Studies for External Researchers - Air Cushion Restraint Study; Transport Canada; September, 2006
Tylko S, German A, Dalmotas D and Bussièrres A; Improving Side Impact Protection for the Average Man: The Development of a Harmonized Pole Test Procedure; International IRCOBI Conference; Madrid, Spain; September 20-22, 2006
McClafferty KJ, Tiessen PF, German A and Comeau J-L; A Preliminary Comparison of Real World Frontal Impacts and Staged Crash Tests; Presented at CMRSC-XVI; Winnipeg, Manitoba; June 11-14, 2006 (Published abstract)
Chan J, LeDrew P and German A; Fatal Collision Causation and Potential Counter-measures; Proc. CMRSC-XVI; Winnipeg, Manitoba; June 11-14, 2006
Boase P, Belluz L, Burns P, Comeau J-l, German A, Jonah B, Monk B, White J, Bowron D, Edens P, Kent G and McCallum A; Multidisciplinary Study of the Causes of Fatal Collisions; Proc. CMRSC-XVI; Winnipeg, Manitoba; June 11-14, 2006
Green RN, McClafferty KJ and German A; A Review of Jurisprudence Regarding Event Data Recorders; 2nd Annual National Civil Litigation Conference; Canadian Bar Association; Toronto, Ontario; April 28-29, 2006
McClafferty KJ, Tiessen PF and German A; The Use of Event Data Recorders in the Analysis of Real-World Crashes: Tales from the Silent Witness, in "Contemporary Issues in Traffic Research and Road User Safety"; Nova Science; 2005
German A; Page From a Physicist's Notebook: Work is mad - it takes energy!; Proc. CMRSC-XV; Fredericton, New Brunswick; June 5-8, 2005
McClafferty KJ, Tiessen PF and German A; Real World Comparisons of Calculated and EDR Recorded Delta-V; Proc. CMRSC-XIV; Ottawa, Ontario; June 27-30, 2004
Comeau J-L ; German A and Floyd D; Comparison of Crash Pulse Data from Motor Vehicle Event Data Recorders and Laboratory Instrumentation; Proc. CMRSC-XIV; Ottawa, Ontario; June 27-30, 2004
McClafferty K and German A; Event Data Recorders: The Right to Privacy vs. Society's Right to Know; The Safety Network; pp. 7-9; June, 2004
German A, Dalmotas D, Tylko S, Comeau J-L and Monk B; Air Bag Research in Canada: The Development of Knowledge-Based Countermeasures; Canadian Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Conference; Ottawa, Ontario; November 23-25, 2003 (Published abstract)
Howard A, Moses McKeag A, Rothman L, German A, Comeau J-L and Monk B; Ejections of Young Children in Motor Vehicle Crashes; J. Trauma; 55(1); pp. 126-129; July, 2003
Howard A, Moses McKeag A, Rothman L, Pazmino-Canizares J, German A, Monk B, Comeau J-L, Hale I, Mills D and Blazeski S; Children in Side Impact Motor Vehicle Crashes: Seating Position and Injury Mechanism; Proc. CMRSC-XIII; Banff, Alberta ; June 8-11, 2003
Howard A, Moses McKeag A, Rothman L, German A, Hale I, Emam A, Altenhof B and Turchi R; Cervical Spine Injuries in Children Restrained in Forward Facing Child Restraints; Proc. CMRSC-XIII; Banff, Alberta ; June 8-11, 2003
McClafferty K, Tiessen P, Shkrum M, Chan J, Deyell P, German A, White J, Glazduri V, Comeau J-L and Monk B; A Study of Pre-Crash Events Using Information Retrieved from Event Data Recorders; Proc. CMRSC-XIII; Banff, Alberta ; June 8-11, 2003
German A, Dalmotas D, Tylko S, Comeau J-L and Monk B; Air Bag Induced Fatalities in Canada; Proc. CMRSC-XIII; Banff, Alberta; June 8-11, 2003
Shkrum MJ, McClafferty KJ, Nowak ES and German A; Driver and Front Seat Passenger Fatalities Associated with Air Bag Deployment Part: II A Review of Injury Patterns and Investigative Issues; J. Forensic Sciences; Vol. 47, No 5; pp. 1035-1040; Paper ID JFS2001364_475; September 2002
Shkrum MJ, McClafferty KJ, Nowak ES and German A; Driver and Front Seat Passenger Fatalities Associated with Air Bag Deployment Part: I A Canadian Study; J. Forensic Sciences; Vol. 47, No 5; pp. 1028-1034; Paper ID JFS2001364_475; September 2002
German A and Chan J; Crash Data Retrieval Systems applied to Real-World Collision Reconstruction; Presented at ICRASH 2002 International Crashworthiness Conference; Melbourne, Australia; February 25-27, 2002
Lapner PC, McKay M, Howard AW, Gardner B, German A and Letts RM ; Children in crashes: Mechanisms of injury and restraint systems; Can. J. Surgery; Vol. 44 No. 6; December, 2001
McClafferty KJ, Tiessen P, Wetmore S, Bloch-Hanson D, and German A; Fatalities Involving Tilt-Bed Trucks: Underride and Poor Conspicuity; Proc. CMRSC-XII; London, Ontario; June 10-13, 2001
Linda Rothman L, Moses McKeag A, Howard A, Reid D, Letts M, Comeau J-L, Monk B and German A, Ejections from Child Restraint Systems in Rollovers: Observations from Real-World Collisions, Proc. CMRSC-XII; London, Ontario; June 10-13, 2001
2001 Dr. Charles H. Miller Award Winner
Le gagnant du prix Dr Charles H. Miller 2001
German A, Comeau J-L, Monk B, McClafferty KJ, Tiessen P, Nowak ES, Chan J and Lo G; The Use of Event Data Recorders in the Analysis of Real-World Crashes; Proc. CMRSC-XII; London, Ontario; June 10-13, 2001
Dalmotas D, German A and Tylko S; The Crash And Field Performance Of Side-Mounted Airbag Systems; Paper No. 442; Proc. 17th ESV Conf.; Amsterdam, The Netherlands; June 4-7, 2001
Kontio K, Letts M and German A; Airbags and Children: A Mixed Blessing; Proc. 68th Annual Meeting of the American Association of Orthopaedic Surgeons; San Francisco, California; February 28-March 4, 2001
German A; Event Data Recorders: A New Resource for Traffic Safety Research?; The Safety Network; pp. 1-4; November, 2000
German A, Gardner WT, Howard AW, Mackay M and Letts RM; Mechanisms of Lap Belt and Airbag Injuries in Children; Proc. AAAM/IRCOBI Child Occupant Protection Session; pp. 81-93; Barcelona, Spain; September 22, 1999
Dalmotas D, German A, Comeau J-L, Monk B and Hurley R; Correlation of Field Accident Data with Dummy Responses Measured in Side Impact Crash Tests; Proc. JSAE Spring Convention; Yokohama, Japan; May 19-21, 1999
Howard AW, Letts RM, Mackay M, German A, Gardner W and Ste Marie S; Children in Crashes: A Multi-Disciplinary Research Programme; Proc. CMRSC-XI; Halifax, Nova Scotia; May 9-12, 1999
McClafferty KJ, Shkrum MJ, German A, Tiessen PF and Nowak ES; Driver Fatalities in Frontal Impacts; Proc. CMRSC-XI; Halifax, Nova Scotia; May 9-12, 1999
Dalmotas DJ, German A and Hurley RM; Second Generation Air Bag Systems: A Preliminary Evaluation of Field Accident Experience; Proc. CMRSC-XI; Halifax, Nova Scotia; May 9-12, 1999
Comeau JL, German A and Monk B; Heavy Truck Wheel Separations: An In-Depth Study of Real-World Incidents; Proc. CMRSC-XI; Halifax, Nova Scotia; May 9-12, 1999
McCaffery M, German A, Lalonde F and Letts M; Air Bags and Children: A Potentially Lethal Combination; J. Pediatric Orthopaedics; 19:60-64; 1999
German A, Dalmotas D, and Hurley RM; Air Bag Collision Performance in a Restrained Occupant Population; Proc. 16th ESV Conf.; pp. 989-996; Windsor, Ontario; 1998
German A, Dalmotas D, Comeau JL, Monk B, Contant P, Gou M, Carignan S, Lussier LP, Newman J, and Withnall C; In-Depth Investigation and Reconstruction of an Air Bag Induced Child Fatality; Proc. 16th ESV Conf.; pp. 1126-1134; Windsor, Ontario; 1998
German A, Dalmotas DJ, Hurley RM, and Szentmiklosy AM; Field Accident Experience with Passenger Air Bags in Canada; Proc. CMRSC-X; Toronto, Ontario; June, 1997
McClafferty KJ, Chan J, Shkrum MJ, and German A; A Multi-Disciplinary Study of a Canadian Airbag Fatality; Proc. CMRSC-X; Toronto, Ontario; June, 1997
McClafferty KJ, Chan J, German A, and Nowak ES; The Fundamentals of Damage Analysis; Proc. CMRSC-X; Toronto, Ontario; June, 1997
German A; Canadian Data; Recovery; Vol. 7 No. 3; 1996
Dalmotas DJ, Hurley RM and German A; Supplemental Restraint Systems: Friend or Foe to Belted Occupants?; Proc. 40th. AAAM Conf.; pp. 63-75; Vancouver BC; 1996
Dalmotas DJ, German A, Hurley J and Digges K; Air Bag Deployment Crashes in Canada; Proc. 15th. ESV Conf.; pp. 155-168; Melbourne, Australia; 1996
German A, Dalmotas DJ, McClafferty KJ, and Nowak ES; Real-World Collision Experience for Airbag Technology; Advances in Transportation Systems, Proc. CSME Forum 1996; Hamilton ON; 1996
Comeau JL, Dalmotas DJ, German A, Trepanier D, and Monk B; Crush Measurements for Side Impacts Using a Total Station; SAE 960100; 1996
German A, Hendrick BE, Schmidt RK, and Wiwchar G; Conservation of Linear Momentum: Computer-Based Solutions; Proc. CMRSC-IX; Montreal; 1995
Dalmotas DJ, German A, and Welbourne ER; Directed Studies: A Focused Approach to Collision Investigation; Proc. CMRSC-IX; Montreal; 1995
Dalmotas DJ, German A, Hendrick BE, and Hurley RM; Air Bag Deployments: The Canadian Experience; J.Trauma; April, 1995
Dalmotas DJ, Hurley RM, and German A; Air Bag Deployments Involving Restrained Occupants; SAE 950868; 1995
Green RN, German A, Nowak ES, Dalmotas DJ and Stewart DE; Fatal Injuries to Restrained Passenger Car Occupants: Crash Modes and Kinematics of Injury;
Proc. 35th. Conf. AAAM; Toronto, Ontario; pp. 103-117; October, 1991
J. Acc. Anal. and Prev.; Vol. 26 No. 2; pp. 207-214; 1994
Green RN, McClafferty KJ, Nowak ES, Tiessen PFW, and German A; The Occurrence of Fatality to Restrained Occupants of Passenger Cars in Southwestern Ontario; Proc. CMRSC-VII; Vancouver, BC; pp. 102-115; 1991
Dance DM, German A, and Myers RV; Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - Collision Avoidance; Proc. CMRSC-VII; Vancouver, BC; pp. 22-34; 1991
Dance DM, German A, and Myers RV; Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standards - Crash Protection; Proc. CMRSC-VII; Vancouver, BC; pp. 85-100; 1991
Dalmotas DJ, German A, Gorski ZM, Green RN, and Nowak ES; Prospects for Improving Side Impact Protection Based on Canadian Field Accident Data and Crash Testing; SAE 910321; 1991
Gorski ZM, German, A., and Nowak, ES; Examination and Analysis of Seat Belt Loading Marks; J. Forensic Sciences, JFSCA, Vol. 35, No. 1; pp. 69-79; 1990
German A; PCS Data Analysis System User's Guide (Volumes I-III); Multi-Disciplinary Accident Research Team, The University of Western Ontario; August, 1989
Gorski ZM, German A, and Nowak ES; A Preliminary Examination of Factors Affecting the Location of Seat-Belt Loading Marks; Presented at the 15th. International Forum on Traffic Safety Records Systems; El Paso, Texas; July, 1989
German A, Gorski ZM, Green RN, and Nowak ES; Rollover Collisions: A Continuing Problem for Occupant Mortality; Presented at CMRSC-VI; Fredericton, New Brunswick; June, 1989
German A, Gorski ZM, Green RN, and Nowak ES; Side Impacts: Test Crashes and Real-World Collisions; Proc. 12th. ESV Conf.; Goteborg, Sweden; pp. 929-934; May, 1989
Nowak RS, Nowak ES, German A, and Gorski ZM; A Fundamental Momentum Energy Model for Central Automotive Collisions and an Analytical Investigation of Restitution; Proc. Ninth Symposium on Engineering Mechanics; London, Ontario; May, 1988
Green RN, German A, Gorski ZM, and Nowak ES; Case Studies of Severe Frontal Collisions Involving Fully-Restrained Occupants; Proc. 31st. AAAM Conf.; September, 1987
Green RN, German A, Gorski ZM, Nowak ES, and Dance DM; Misuse of Three-Point Occupant Restraints in Real-World Collisions; Proc. 1987 Int. IRCOBI Conf.; Birmingham, England; September, 1987
Green RN, German A, Gorski ZM, Nowak ES, and Dance DM; Abdominal Injuries Associated with the Use of Rear-Seat Lap Belts in Real-World Collisions; Proc. 1987 Int. IRCOBI Conf.; Birmingham, England; September, 1987
German A and Nowak ES; Motor Vehicle Safety Research in Canada; Presented at the 11th. Meeting of the Int. Assoc. of Forensic Sciences; Vancouver, BC; August, 1987
Nowak RS, Nowak ES, Tryphonopoulos JP, and German A; A Fundamental Momentum Energy Model for Central Motor Vehicle Collisions and a Critical Review of the Damage Algorithm for CRASH; Proc. CMRSC-V; Calgary, Alberta; pp. 221; June, 1987
German A, Gorski ZM, Green RN, and Nowak ES; PCS - The First Two Years of a Passenger Car Study in Southwestern Ontario; Proc. CMRSC-V; Calgary, Alberta; pp. 317; June, 1987
Green RN, German A, Gorski ZM, Nowak ES, Tryphonopoulos JP, and Mason DF; Unsatisfactory Roadside Barrier System Performance in Real-World Collisions: Lessons to be Learned; SAE 870077; 1987
Gorski ZM, German A, and Nowak ES; Video Collision Reconstruction Using Physical Evidence; Transportation Research Record 1111, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, Washington, DC; pp. 1; 1987
Green RN, German A, Gorski ZM, Nowak ES, and Tryphonopoulos JP; Improper Use of Occupant Restraints: Case Studies from Real-World Collisions; Proc. 30th. Conf. AAAM; pp. 423; October, 1986
Dalkie HS, German A, Panlilio VP, and Richards WE; PCS Coding Manual; Published by the Road Safety and Motor Vehicle Regulations Directorate, Transport Canada, 1986
German A; The Identification Officer and In-Depth Collision Analysis; Presented at the Michigan/Ontario Identification Conference; London, Ontario; October, 1985
Nelson WD, Kinney JR, and German A (Editor); Proceedings of the Accident Investigation Practices Subcommittee Workshop I; Published by Task Group 1, Accident Investigation Practices Subcommittee, Society of Automotive Engineers; September, 1985
German A, Duncanson ME, and Nowak ES; An Introduction to Injury Scaling and Injury Coding Schemes; Presented at the Annual Meeting of Canadian Multi-Disciplinary Accident Research Teams; Blainville, Quebec; May, 1985
German A, Gorski ZM, and Nowak ES; Collision Reconstruction Techniques: Collision Scene Analysis; Proc. CMRSC-IV; Montreal, Quebec; May, 1985
Gorski ZM, German A, and Nowak ES; Collision Reconstruction Techniques: Vehicle Damage Analysis; Proc. CMRSC-IV; Montreal, Quebec; May, 1985
German A; Multi-Disciplinary Accident Investigation Teams in Canada; The Safety Network; Vol. 1, No. 1; April, 1985
Duerden IJ, German A, and Nowak ES; Component Failure Recognition for Motor Vehicle Accident and Defect Investigators; Proc. CMRSC-II; Winnipeg, Manitoba; June, 1983
Dance DM, German A, and Nowak ES; Vehicle Crashworthiness and Occupant Protection; Proc. CMRSC-II; Winnipeg, Manitoba; June, 1983
Duerden IJ, German A, Lidzbarski ES, and Nowak, ES; Identification of Failure Modes in Occupant-Restraint Webbing; Final Report to the Director General, Road and Motor Vehicle Traffic Safety, Transport Canada under Contract Number DTS 340-502; January, 1983
German A; Vehicle Factors in Motor-Vehicle Collisions; Proceedings of the Seminar: Traffic Crash Analysis -The Forensic Aspect, Department of Continuing Education, The Law Society of Upper Canada; November, 1982
German A; Collision Kinematics and Human Tissue Injury; Proc. of the International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners 1982 Seminar; pp. 159; June, 1982
German A, Nowak ES, and Green RN; Vehicle Dynamics: Free-Flight Trajectory Analysis; Proc. 25th Conf. AAAM; pp. 435; October, 1981
Dance DM, German A, Nowak ES, and Green RN; An In-Depth Analysis of a Multiple-Fatal, Head-On, Motor-Vehicle Collision; Proc. 25th. Conf. AAAM; pp. 69; October, 1981