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Dainius Dalmotas, Aline Chouinard, Jean-Louis Comeau, Alan German, Glenn Robbins and Priya Prasad; Examination of Crash Injury Risk as a Function of Occupant Demographics; Stapp Car Crash Journal; Vol. 67; 2024

Abstract: The objectives of this study were to provide insights on how injury risk is influenced by occupant demographics such as sex, age, and size; and to quantify differences within the context of commonly-occurring real-world crashes. The analyses were confined to either single-event collisions or collisions that were judged to be well-defined based on the absence of any significant secondary impacts. These analyses, including both logistic regression and descriptive statistics, were conducted using the Crash Investigation Sampling System for calendar years 2017 to 2021.

Figure 11

In the case of occupant sex, the findings agree with those of many recent investigations that have attempted to quantify the circumstances in which females show elevated rates of injury relative to their male counterparts given the same level bodily insult. This study, like others, provides evidence of certain female-specific injuries. The most problematic of these are AIS 2+ and AIS 3+ upper-extremity and lower-extremity injuries. These are among the most frequently observed injuries for females, and their incidence is consistently greater than for males. Overall, the odds of females sustaining MAIS 3+ (or fatality) are 4.5% higher than the odds for males, while the odds of females sustaining MAIS 2+ (or fatality) are 33.9% higher than those for males. The analyses highlight the need to carefully control for both the vehicle occupied, and the other involved vehicle, when calculating risk ratios by occupant sex. Female driver preferences in terms of vehicle class/size differ significantly from those of males, with females favoring smaller, lighter vehicles.

In the Archives

Some of our featured postings from the past are now lodged in our on-line archives. These include a guest editorial on the subject of reducing traffic fatalities, details of the keynote addresses at the 17th Canadian Multidisciplinary Road Safety Conference, with downloads of the speaker's notes and presentations, and papers on fatal collision causation and potential countermeasures.

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